
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Marco N., Italian mariner inspired me to write this text.
Nothing romantic. He is the boyfriend of my most precious amiga. And don't imagine a mariner in a navy blue stripped shirt. It is not the time of romance nowadays. He is a second officer in a cruise liner.
We happened to meet in three on a summer weekday when he visited here from Italy. We spoke English in order to make him comfortable, and I realized that my English was eroded. I stayed a while in the US three years ago and I had graduated from an English faculty grammar school, but at that summer day I realized that this country kills my intelligence. It kills not only my English, but destroys my intelligence, my education and my literacy that I had to get with much effort.
This can seem to be exaggeration. But I had to realize that something happens in my home country, something that poisons the air and the mind of people living here. I feel sorry for my homeland, as I was born and lived here all my life.
I live isolated in a village near to the capital which is the only real city in this country. I have lived in the capital for 10 years, together with 2 million other people. This amount is the 5% of the whole population of the country. But then I chose isolation, what I call an inner immigration now. I live isolated from any people, I keep in touch with just some close friends. It can seem to be foolishness or eccentricity, but it is not so. I felt that I didn't want to be involved in something I don't like. And I don't like those processes which take place in today Hungary.
Even if I live isolated, I experience a lot of events. There are shocking, weird ones, but there are joyful, exciting, inspiring ones as well. Living in Hungary, and living anywhere in the Earth can be extremely exciting and joyful, if you are not starving, not ill and you are not tortured. I determined my mind to write this diary and memoir in order to open a window to our Balkan country which is part of the European Union. So all of my experiences are in the EU, and in present, 2012.
"The Balkans begin at the Rennweg," Klemens von Metternich, Austrian Chancellor said about 150 years ago. We will see.

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